- Ode to nano before she was my nano | Poetry Wales | 2023
- Self-Portrait as a Genderless Woman and other poems | Eunoia Review | October 2022
- Clouds Fall | The New Verse News | September 2022
- Dysphoric Heart | Fragmented Voices | February 2022
- Cloudage | Ink, Sweat and Tears | December 2021
- The Caged Bird Rehearses before it Sings and other poems | The Punch Magazine | December 2021
- Desiderium | Autumn Sky Poetry DAILY | August 2021
- The Vicissitudes of Self | Journey of the Heart: Women’s Spiritual Poetry Project | August 2021
- Morning Prayer | New Feathers Anthology | July 2021
- Effacing | Visual Verse | June 2021
- Coronacation | The Ofi Press | April 2021
- A Postcard from my Mother | The Wild Word | April 2021
- 7 Year-Old Girl Raped in Rawalpindi | The Aleph Review | April 2021
- Broken Melodies, Singing Walls | New Feathers Anthology | July 2022
- Relishing the last sweet bite before it all ends in Harjo’s ‘Perhaps the World Ends here’ | Literary Yard | April 2020
- Angelou’s Self-Actualization in Gather Together in My Name | Terror House Magazine | May 2019
- The Youth does Shine but in Merry Blight | Daily Times | August 2018